Vaasa Choir Festival
22 May 2025 – 24 May 2025 | Vaasa
This festival is a major international celebration of choral music. The joyous community celebration at the end of the singing season is open to all choirs. The programme will bring song and choral music to churches, concert halls, schools and restaurants.
358 400 564 469
Kaupungintalo, Senaatinkatu 1, FI-65100 Vaasa
Photo gallery
Vaasa Choir Festival is an international major event of song and choir music. Nearly one hundred concerts take place during the five days of the Festival. Vaasa Choir Festival is a social celebration of the end of the choral season and it’s open for all choirs and vocal ensembles. Music can be heard in churches, concert halls, schools, restaurants etc.
In the main performers at the Festival consist of various national and international top choirs and vocal ensembles. World music, barbershop and more traditional choral music go hand in hand in this happy Festival. In the 2014 the main performers are: Philomela (FI), Kauppakorkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunnan Naislaulajat KYN (FI), Felix Zenger (FI), Masterpiece Quartet (US), Kammerkoor Head Ööd, Vend (EE), Irmelin (SE), Satu Sopanen & Fort Big Band & Ralf Nyqvist (FI) and Jyväskylän Naislaulajat & Vaasa City Orchestra (FI).
Join us at the Choir Festival where you’ll see, hear and experience different kinds of concert performances.
See you in Vaasa in May!